This page outlines how your order is shipped and processed. By ordering from you agree to the following policies:
Most orders are shipped in 1-3 business days. All items are packaged in discrete plain brown packaging with a return address listing “MNG” as the sender. The Mr Nice Guys website address and company name will not be on the exterior of the package.
All glass is packaged with extreme care and double boxed in most situations. Please use caution when opening your package. We suggest laying down a blanket on a stable surface and carefully cutting away the packing material with a razor blade. Some items are extremely fragile or may contain loose parts that may fall out and could break when opening.
All damage claims must be reported within 24 hours of receiving package. We will file a claim in a timely manner with UPS and it is their sole discretion if they will cover damage losses. Please note that damage claims may take several weeks to process. If the package is damaged due to neglect on our part in shipping, we will issue a store credit for the item at our discretion. To file a damage claim, please email us at
We can not guarantee delivery times. We promise to ship your order out as quickly as we are able to using the shipping method you choose at checkout.
Please choose your purchase carefully as all sales are final. Due to the nature of use on most of the items we can not offer any type of return. Please do not ship us back anything and note any packages will be refused.
We encourage you to test all electronic items like vaporizers and scales in the store before purchase to verify that they are working correctly. Please look over any glass products and ensure that there are no defects. We can not accept returns or exchanges on any products for any reason.